my name is Marcin Krokowski , I’m 33 years old and I’m the creator of the Urbanflavour.pl brand, under which I work as an advertising photographer in Warsaw, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Krakow and Katowice. W mojej ofercie znajdziecie fotografię eventową, fotografię reklamową, fotografię wnętrz i wirtualne spacery Google Street View.Działam jako Rekomendowany Fotograf Google Street View Trusted tworząc wirtualne spacery dla lokalnych biznesów.

I photograph events
I create photo reports and photos that help my clients promote their events, which they can boast about on the Internet for a long time. I am a professional photographer with many years of experience in photo coverage. I use professional hardware and legal Adobe software to ensure the highest level of service, from start to finish, in all conditions.
How did it start?
I have been photographing events since 2012. While learning how to organize advertising, together with a classmate, we were looking for interesting events that would be fun to photograph. I took my camera everywhere and photographed all the interesting events in Warsaw – fairs, events, concerts where I met a lot of interesting people. In this way, I developed my style and established the first cooperation with people who did events that I like, and I gave unique photos with which they could promote their fairs or events. Now I offer my clients photos as an event photographer with extensive experience. See for yourself by checking into portfolio .

“Only shoot what you like or interest. But bear in mind that Van Gogh was able to take old shoes as the subject of the painting and create a masterpiece ”
Jan Sunderland
Who am I privately?
Photography is not only a profession for me, but also a passion that consumes a lot of time at the computer. Still, I’m not the type of person who can sit in one place for a long time. I am fascinated by travelling, discovering unknown corners of the world and cultural diversity. Running and cycling are my favorite activities that allow me to recharge my batteries.

I love to explore
In the future, I dream of visiting many amazing places that I haven’t reached yet. On my bucket list are such exotic destinations as Japan, China and Vietnam. But it doesn’t stop there! Mexico is another country that I would like to see through the lens of my camera. My life adventure so far has been a trip to Peru and Bolivia, where for three weeks I immersed myself in a completely different, fascinating world.