Whisky Live Warsaw 2016 at Courtyard Marriott


Whisky Live Warsaw 2016 is the third edition of this event in Poland, which began for the first time in Warsaw under the name Warsaw Whisky Fest 2014. It began in 2000 in Tokyo. In 2016, the event took place on October 14-15 at the Coutryard Marriot hotel, which takes place at the Warsaw Okęcie airport.

Entrance to the Courtyard Marriott Hotel

Whisky Live Warsaw is an initiative that brings together Whisky producers from around the world. In addition to Scotch and Irish whisky, you can find there liquors from Japan, USA, Sweden, India and Australia. During the fair, you could also try vodkas from the Netherlands, Italy, France and Russia. There were also several producers of Gins, Bourbons.

A man in red fur pours alcochol

The idea of the festival

The idea of the festival is not only to meet new or their favorite Whisky producers from different corners of the world, which may not be available in Poland. Whisky Live Festival introduces us to the rich world of whisky and gives us the opportunity not only to get to know the flavors and aromas of this drink. Thanks to the presence of producers, we have the opportunity to learn first-hand the history and methods of production and the origin of specific drinks. For the more inquisitive, workshops and demonstrations related to Whisky are also organized.

Photojournalists trying to take pictures in a crowd
Crowd of people around the cake seen from above

Each participant receives their own tasting glass in the ticket price and has a chance to try several hundred types of whisky at the fair stands. Only some of them are additionally paid and can be paid for with special vouchers.

three men with bottles of Whiskey
Pouring whiskey from a copper rose into a tasting glass
A woman dressed as a policewoman
Blonde sniffs whiskey in a small tasting glass

Investing in Whisky from Stilnovisti

My report was created for one of the largest exhibitors company Stilnovisti, which since 2006 has been involved in investments in whisky and wine. It is a very interesting alternative to investing. Stilnovisti also had several of its stands. Among other things, an old-school caravan that stood in front of the entrance to the hotel. Inside, you could try their new Pimp my Vodka, on the basis of which delicious drinks were served.

Men and women point their finger at the lens
Smiling blonde on the background of the Stilnovisti logo
A girl with glasses shows men something on a tablet
Energy at whisky fairs
Stilnovisti stand at Whisky Live Warsaw 2016
A man in night vision smiles at people

Photo report from the fair

The photo report from the fair that I prepared covered not only the Stilnovovisti stand, but the entire exhibition space. The fair is not only stands, it is primarily people who share one passion for good drinks. I wanted to show that at Whisky Live Fest you can meet many positive people who came not only to try new flavors and aromas of whisky. The fair is also an opportunity to learn about the history of liquors and the people behind them, and for some the opportunity to make new acquaintances and business contacts for the future.

Silver trailer with alcohol in front of the entrance to the Marriott Hotel

A good photo report from the fair is difficult to do in half an hour, so I went for one day of the fair and spent about 2-3 hours to capture something more than each stand, one by one. The more so because I did not report directly to the main organizer of the fair, so I could afford less meticulous photos of other stands than my client. In this way, I had the opportunity to show the atmosphere of the event they were at and that it is worth dropping by and visiting in future years. You can also see the power of energy at the stand in front of the entrance to the fair, where drinks with the new Pimp My Vodka were served. You can also see some of these photos in the advertising materials on their Instagram – here.

Pink interior with whiskey bottles and disco ball
A man fills out a survey on a tablet
Woman and man in pink trailer
Whisky Live Warsaw 2016 at Courtyard Martiott

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