
Intel Gaming Party

Photo report from the Christmas party at Sudio Flesz in Warsaw. Santa’s party organized by Intel.


As every year in December, at the end of 2019 I had the opportunity to photograph Santa’s parties. One of the most interesting events was the gaming one party Santa Claus brand Intel . The event featured vending machines from the flipper museum, which is located in similar halls on ul. Railway. He was too equipment brand X-com and their gaming sets with kkceosoria for fights and races. Not only was it pure fun, it was all about tough competition in a cross-team tournament where each team took part in a quiz, Grid 2 races and pinball games.

studio flash grochowska

Event in Studio Flesz

The meeting was organized in Studio Flesz . Studio is located in halls on ul. Grochowska in Warsaw, remaining after the welding equipment factory “Perun” from 1913. – my atmosphere. The studio is not far from my apartment, but I haven’t had a chance to be there yet or take pictures so I was very happy.

logo of the projector on a brick wall
Santa Claus party photographer studio flash

Santa Claus party

At the beginning of the event, everyone could get to know each other, drink something and eat snacks. Some of the guests have probably already met, because they all shared a passion for technology.

Old pinballers

At the event, one of the attractions and an element of the organized tournament, apart from gaming computers, were old school flippers from the museum Pinball Station in Warsaw on the railway street. These are still old machines that look like an old TV inside. Lots of circuits, cables and chips that are responsible for each element. They are not yet affected by miniaturization, where everything could fit into a mini computer. It is equipment for true enthusiasts of old games and slot machines.

Santa’s tournament

The tournament part started with drawing teams, which then had to come up with their names – it was ingenious.

The Santa Claus tournament consisted of a quiz on the platform Kahoot! which is quite often used in various types of events based on competitions. Any phone with the Kahoot application is enough to have fun! and internet access. Also useful is the screen where participants can see the questions together and then the results on the big screen.

Another element of the game was Grid 2 races on gaming computers and Logitech steering wheels provided by X-kom. There was also a pinball tournament. Each team had the opportunity to prove themselves in various challenges.

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