Uyuni – La Paz – Copacabana – Isla Del Sol

Crossing Bolivia from Uyuni through La Paz – Copacabana to the island of Isla Del Sol. Hours in coaches were worth the views.


At night in La Paz

After visiting the south of Bolivia, we set off towards Copacabana and Lake Titicaca. The section to La Paz passed us very quickly, because we arrived about 2 hours before the next bus, which was not so good for us at that moment. We landed at about 4 am in La Paz, where after dusk it is not very safe. During this time, it is better to avoid visiting the city at night if you do not want to be robbed.

The Adventure Brew Hostel

From the place where our bus stopped, we only had a piece to the hostel where we had slept before, so we decided to hide there. Unfortunately, the entrance door for the night is closed behind sheet metal. It looks a little strange, but it’s probably safer for guests. You can’t just go out at night, but no one will enter the hostel so easily at night. We decided to wait before entering.

It’s a bit cold at night, so we made a lair on one of the stairs, hiding under a big towel, dressed for an onion, and we got a little cold. We wanted to find some other place until the morning, because we did not know what time they would open the hostel. We asked a woman who was passing by for a clue, but she didn’t encourage us to look for another option. She told us that it was better if we stayed under the hostel, which was on a lighted busy road. She warned us that it was dangerous on the streets at this time, pointing her finger at one of the side streets, saying that her daughter had been raped there, so we gave up our night walks.

After about an hour, a security guard appeared and made us realize that we could use a button on the wall that was a doorbell and someone would let us in. I think we had too sleepy eyes.

Although we just wanted to hide until the morning, the staff of The Adventure Brew Hostel welcomed us nicely and allowed us to make ourselves at the reception. We could use the toilet and recharge our phones. In addition, the boy who was guarding the hostel that night offered us that he could take us on the bus. It was still a little early to leave, so we stayed for breakfast.

La Paz Station

After breakfast, we went to the station to pick up the tickets for the coach to Copacabana. As it turned out, the strange fare at the station is only at night. It’s probably because of the floaters that can go there at night and, for example, try to steal something from travelers.

You leave La Paz for quite a long time – the city is located in a valley, so you have to go up the slope along winding roads. The very center of the capital does not overwhelm with splendor, you can not see the wealth there as in the capitals of Europe. What is in the suburbs looks even worse.

Crossing in Tiquina

Part of the way could be taken a nap, until we reached the ferry crossing in Tiquina, where our coach sailed on the ferry, and we took a small boat to the other side.

There is a flea market there, but we didn’t have much time to explore, so we only stocked up on a few snacks for the road. Further, the road led along winding roads overlooking Lake Ticitaca, passing locals, shepherds and tiny tombstones on the slopes of the mountains.

Arrival in Copacabana

We finally reached Copacabana, from where we were to set off for Isla Del Sol. We had to find some travel agency that sells boat trips to the island. It was not difficult, because the first one from the shore, next to the place where we got off was fine. We also did not have much time to search, because we had to eat something, get to the island and find accommodation there.

At this point, our first day in Copacabana ends – after a quick lunch we set off on a boat going to the Island of the Sun.

The next photos in this entry are already from our return from the island.

Back to Copacabana from Isla Del Sol

At this point, we are already after a wonderful visit to Isla Del Sol. Entry from what we saw there, you will find HERE.

At the very beginning we were a little broke. We did not take much cash to the island, but we were convinced that it was enough for us and in fact it was. At a good price we bought 2 rooms – 2 and 1 single rooms with bathrooms, we had a bit of a snack, but without madness. On the island, everything is more expensive and a pack of crackers probably cost 10 PLN.

In the city, we used an ATM and set off for lunch, shopping and exploring the area. Like such a warm country, it might seem, but here we bought among the souvenirs warm hats for the return to cold Europe. The hats are supposedly made of alpaca wool, although I’m not convinced. Despite this – a nice and practical souvenir.

Basilica of Our Lady of the Lake

On the main square we came across the basilica, called by some, Our Lady of the Lake or, if you prefer, Our Lady of Gnomics. Copacabana is known for its strong worship of Mary, so we decided to see how it looks up close.

The cathedral, with its white walls against the background of a cloudy sky, looks very impressive. After entering the interior, the first thing that catches the eye is the altar with the image of the Virgin Mary, all made of gold, decorated with flowers. You can’t take pictures inside, but I assume it’s all about noise and flash, so I stayed with my Olympus in silent shutter mode. We went further, to the chapel where the sink was installed – I have no idea why. We also came across special boxes for confession and a statue of Jesus in a golden dress.

As in all of Peru and Bolivia, street trade is flourishing. I thought that we would not be surprised by much, but it turned out that even here, in front of the door to the cathedral, we would find a stand with toilet paper. In our country it would be unthinkable, but here no one underestimates human needs. The city is located at an altitude of 3,841 m above sea level and it may happen that someone will be in trouble…

Chapel of Candles

Behind the church we found another chapel, in front of which stood a monument to a praying family, facing the cathedral. Next to the monument there were shops with candles. Inside, we discovered a chapel of candles where you could light your feast for someone else’s intention.

Car ordination in Copacabana

Immediately after visiting the chapel, we returned towards the main square in front of the cathedral, and there we were surprised by another attraction. Dozens of private cars and taxis appeared on the square, which were ready for ordination by the young priest. Everything looks much more interesting than with us. The cars were decorated, more or less, with flowers. On some of them you could even see small altars.

People opened the hoods of cars, the priest sprinkled them with light water, and then whole families took a picture of themselves together at the car with a gentleman who looked like a photojournalist from the local newspaper.

Sightseeing of the city, the park and the port

Then we went for ice cream and explored the city a bit before continuing our way to Peru and Arequipa.

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