
Camera Raw 14.4.1 issue when exporting from Lightroom Classic to Photoshop 2022 on MacOS


After the recent updates to Adobe Lightroom Classic and Adobe Photoshop 2022 cc, there was a certain error when exporting photos from one application to another. So you can see such a window in Lightroom.

This version of Lightroom may require the Photoshop Camera Raw plug-in version

Why do I get an error from Camera Raw 14.4.1?

This happened because Adobe releasing a new version of Adobe Lightroom Classic and Photoshop software also adds a new version of Camera RAW, but this time something went wrong and the ACR 14.4.1 update has so far only appeared on Windows. So if you have Windows and you’re reading this, launch the Creative Cloud apps and update them.

Adobe Creative Cloud apps window
You can click check for updates, but usually next to the application in the place “Open” there will be a button to update the application.

No panic there are only 3 buttons

In general, if you have done all possible updates from Adobe, then you do not have to panic, I will tell you what you can do, puki will not come out update to ACR.

There are three options to choose from:

Cancel – if we choose it, nothing will happen, but we will not export our photo either. So don’t panic, because there are two other options.

Render using Lightroom – By selecting this option, Lightroom will render a TIFF or PSD file from your photo – depending on how you have set the export – and open it in Photoshop.

In this way, you will avoid the compatibility problem, but on the other hand, you have more work, because even if you do not save the file in PS, you will still be rendered a PSD or TIFF file on the disk. Then you have to go back to it and delete it. So I would recommend the third option.

Open Anyway – Such an option like “How can it not be done?!”. Lightroom will pass the file through ACR in a slightly riskier way, but if you don’t like something, you won’t be left with unnecessary files. In short, it will work the old way, but you take the differences in the ACR version and the risk that something will go wrong, which in this case is negligible. LR 14.4.1 and ACR 14.4 are very small discrepancies. The problem would be if they were completely different versions, but I don’t know how you can have such a problem on Creative Cloud. So I recommend this option so as not to waste time clicking, and in the meantime we can safely wait for this update Adobe Camera Raw from 14.4 to 14.4.1.

Don’t show again

If you are not yet sure what you want to choose, do not click on it yet. And it’s best to test whether it makes you any difference to Render using Lightroom or Open Anyway, because in my opinion I don’t, but maybe I’m blind.

As everything suits you, by checking “Don’t show again” you will no longer have to click on this window every time it pops up. Because life must be made easier, not hindered.

When will Adobe Camera Raw be updated to version 14.4.1 on MacOS?

I do not know, but it is worth looking into the Creative Cloud application, and if you do not mind, then leave it in the background and remind itself. You can also check the latest version on the Adobe Camera Raw plug-in installer page, but there is also information about using Creative Cloud to download the latest version.

Adobe Photoshop Camera RAW 14.4.0
Adobe Photoshop Camera RAW 14.4.0

I suggest patience.

also check

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